Noise While Moving in Two or More Gears

Car trouble symptoms

There is noise coming from transmission while moving in two or more gears.
If there is noise while you shift from two or more gears the reason is damaged input shaft bearings or main shaft bearings.

Reason for noise while moving in two or more gears

(1) Damage input shaft bearings or main bearings.

As indicated in the above problem, noise occurs when moving in two or more gears. The key here is "two or more" and this points to a problem with something inside the manual transmission which rotates at all times. Since the input shaft bearings and main shaft bearings rotate at all speeds, they are likely candidates for the cause of the noise. It isn't positively stating that this is the cause of the noise but rather that it's a likely cause. There is really no way of knowing for sure until the transmission is opened up and examined by a professional.

What to do?

Regardless of whether the problem is with the input shaft bearings or main shaft bearings (or whatever the cause), the transmission needs to be opened up and examined by a professional. If this vehicle is under warranty or a service contract, you're covered. Otherwise, you'll need to seek out a reputable garage specializing in manual transmissions.
