I cant Shift into First Gear, No Grinding Sound

The reason why a car from stop can't ship into first gear with no grinding sound is a severely misadjusted clutch linkage.

When you step on the clutch pedal, the clutch linkage is supposed to disengage the clutch so you'll be able to shift into gear. Specifically, the clutch linkage causes the clutch disc to pull away from something called the flywheel (i.e. the two parts become disconnected). If the clutch linkage is just somewhat out of adjustment, grinding usually results when shifting into first gear but most likely you're still able to get the vehicle into first. 

However, as you indicated in the problem you chose, you can't shift at all into first and grinding doesn't occur when you try. This generally means the clutch linkage is severely out of adjustment. AutoTech is not suggesting this is positively the cause of this problem but rather that it's a very likely cause. There are other possible causes but most are difficult to diagnose by anyone other than a qualified mechanic.

What to do?
First, see if you can shift this vehicle into second gear from a stop. With some vehicles this will be possible even though shifting into first is impossible. Shifting into second from a stop means that you won't have to get this vehicle towed. If this doesn't work, have it towed to a garage specializing in clutch work. AutoTech suggests finding an AAA approved garage since they are very reputable. Ask the mechanic to adjust the clutch linkage. If this doesn't fix the problem, a "teardown" of the clutch assembly will probably be required and unfortunately, this won't be cheap.
